@article{oai:our.repo.nii.ac.jp:02009096, author = {HADI, Upik Kesumawati and 高岡, 宏行 and Takaoka, Hiroyuki and 青木, 千春 and Aoki, Chiharu}, issue = {3}, journal = {衞生動物}, month = {Sep}, note = {Larval salivary gland chromosomes of the blackfly, Simulium (Gomphostilbia) yaeyamaense Takaoka, 1991,from the Yaeyama Island group of the Ryukyu archipelago, were observed and mapped. This species had three pairs of polytene chromosomes. The longest pair, chromosome I, is metacentric and the two shorter pairs, chromosomes II and III, in descending order of length, are submetacentric. The centromeric region of all chromosomes was not expanded and barely recognized by the existence of a heavy band. The nucleolar organizer was situated in section 18 of chromosome I. The Balbiani ring, double bubble and the Parabalbiani ring were situated in sections 47,46 and 61 of chromosome II, respectively. From three populations examined, one inversion (IIIL-1) was always heterozygous in females, and four other inversions (IIIL-2,IIIL-3,IIIL-4 and IIIL-5), were polymorphic and found as heterozygote in both sexes. This study is the first to map the larval salivary gland chromosomes of the subgenus Gomphostilbia, and to record the heterozygous inversion related to the female sex among the Oriental Simuliidae. 東洋区産ブユ, とくにナンヨウブユ亜属についての染色体の研究はほとんどない。今回, 琉球列島の石垣島および西表島に分布するヤエヤマナンヨウブユの幼虫の唾液腺染色体を観察し, 基本となる染色体マップを作成した。本種の唾液腺染色体は相同染色体が対合した3本(2n=6)からなり, 不明瞭な動原体部を有していた。おもな特徴のうち, 仁形成部は第一染色体に, また, バルビアニ環および副バルビアニ環は第二染色体に位置していた。第三染色体長腕に5種類の逆位が見いだされ, そのうちの一つは調べた雌幼虫のすべての個体にヘテロの状態で固定しており, 雄個体には見られなかった。}, pages = {235--239}, title = {琉球列島産ヤエヤマナンヨウブユ幼虫の唾液腺染色体の観察}, volume = {46}, year = {1995}, yomi = {タカオカ, ヒロユキ and アオキ, チハル} }