@article{oai:our.repo.nii.ac.jp:02012315, author = {Sonoi, Chine and 園井, 千音}, journal = {大分大学理工学部研究報告}, month = {Mar}, note = {Political works of John Milton's were discreetly ignored by critics in the eighteenth-century England partly because they were regarded as not virtuous as his poetical outputs, even being taken to reveal dangerous dimensions of Milton's oeuvres to be investigated. Robert Southey, on the other hand, seemed to have had a clear understanding what the idea of republicanism was in the intellectual climate of the English mind in 1649. Southey's fundamental belief in the republican mind and liberal ideology did not in itself waver during his lifetime. For instance, the vigorous energy which the story of Joan of Arc had kept stimulated Southey's liberal mind through his life. Southey's continuous concentration on this thesis must have its roots inherited from Milton's time through the revolutionary and enlightenment ages in Europe.}, pages = {1--12}, title = {18世紀におけるジョン・ミルトンの政治的文献批評とイギリス・ロマン派詩人の自由思想との関連 : ロバート・サウジーとの関連を中心に}, volume = {67}, year = {2020}, yomi = {ソノイ, チネ} }