@article{oai:our.repo.nii.ac.jp:02012604, author = {中原, 久志 and Nakahara, Hisashi and 島田, 直季 and Shimada, Naoki}, issue = {1}, journal = {大分大学教育学部研究紀要}, month = {Sep}, note = {本研究の目的は,株間及び土壌等の異なる条件下でサツマイモを栽培し,塊根の収量及び糖度の比較を通して,学校教育におけるサツマイモ栽培学習に関する基礎的知見を得ることである。大分県大分市において,4 つの実験条件下でサツマイモを栽培したところ,株間が広くなることで株あたりの塊根数,収量ともに増加し,土や砂利が混在している荒地においても一定の収量が得られた。また,収穫した塊根について糖度測定を行ったところ,加熱方法によっては荒地で収穫した塊根の方がBrix 値が高くなった。, The purpose of this study is to obtain basic finding about sweetpotato cultivation learning in school education. Specifically, sweetpotatoes were cultivated by changing the planting distance and soil. After that, the yield and sugar content of the harvested sweetpotatoes were compared. As a result, when sweetpotatoes were cultivated under four conditions, the yield increased due to the wider planting distance. In addition, the yield was obtained even on rough land. Furthermore, as the result of measuring the sugar content of the harvested sweetpotatoes, the Brix value was higher in those harvested in rough land depending on the heating method.}, pages = {1--10}, title = {植え付け条件の違いによるサツマイモの収量及び糖度の比較}, volume = {44}, year = {2022}, yomi = {ナカハラ, ヒサシ and シマダ, ナオキ} }