@article{oai:our.repo.nii.ac.jp:02012810, author = {川田, 菜穂子 and Kawata, Nahoko and 都甲, 由紀子 and Togo, Yukiko and 財津, 庸子 and Zaitsu, Yoko and 長野, 優 and Nagano, Yu}, journal = {教育実践総合センター紀要}, month = {May}, note = {本研究では,教員養成課程において SDGs(持続可能な開発目標)を題材とする小学校家庭科の教材研究指導を試み,学生に実施した事前・事後のアンケートの結果や提出課題の分析からその成果と課題を検証した。SDGs を題材とし,学生相互の意見交換や相互評価を通じて教材研究を行うことで,その具体的な手法について学生の理解を促すとともに,家庭科の教材としての SDGs への興味・関心を高めること,分野・教科等横断的な学びの意義や家庭科の位置付け・役割についての認識を深めることができた。, In this study, we investigated SDGs(Sustainable Development Goals) as a teaching subject for pre-service teachers of elementary school home economics. The results and issues raised were verified based on the results of pre- and post- questionnaires given to the students, and by the analysis of submitted assignments. During the research process, mutual exchanges of opinions and peer evaluation among the pre-service teachers promoted their understanding of specific methods, increased their interest in SDGs as a teaching material for home economics, and deepened their awareness of the significance of cross-curricular learning, and the positioning and role of home economics.}, pages = {15--27}, title = {教員養成課程における小学校家庭科の教材研究指導の試み : SDGs(持続可能な開発目標)を題材として}, volume = {40}, year = {2023}, yomi = {カワタ, ナホコ and トゴウ, ユキコ and ザイツ, ヨウコ and ナガノ, ユウ} }