@article{oai:our.repo.nii.ac.jp:02013010, author = {宮重, 拓歩 and MIYASHIGE, T. and 藤村, 晃成 and FUJIMURA, K. and 宮﨑, 好治 and MIYAZAKI, Y.}, issue = {2}, journal = {大分大学教育学部研究紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究の目的は,第一筆者が学卒院生の立場で特別活動実践を実施するプロセスをオートエスノグラフィーの方法を用いながら記述することを通して,学卒院生が行う学級経営研究の新たな可能性を探ることである。筆者が研究協力校で行った「クラスフェス」の実践を対象として,得られたフィールドノーツ記録や学級担任へのインタビュー調査などの質的データを分析し,筆者が配属学級の学級経営に参入し実践することがいかなる意味を生じさせていたのかを回顧的に解釈した。その結果,学卒院生という学級担任と異なる立場であることの葛藤や課題が,筆者自身の学級経営の実践知の変容に影響を与えていたことが明らかとなり,学卒院生の立場性を踏まえた上で,学級担任と協働的に行う学級経営の実践研究の可能性が見出された。, The purpose of this study is to explore new possibilities for classroom management research conducted by a teaching graduate student through the use of autoethnography methods on the author's process of implementing extracurricular activities from the perspective of a teaching graduate student. The author analysed qualitative data such as field notes and interviews with classroom teachers obtained from the 'Classfest',which was conducted at a cooperating school, and they retrospectively interpreted what meaning was generated by the author's participation and practice in the classroom management of the assigned class. As a result,it became clear that the conflicts and challenges of being a teaching graduate student in a different position from the classroom teacher not only transformed the author's own practical knowledge of classroom management,but also influenced the classroom teacher's view of classroom management and the children's attitude towards autonomous activities. The possibility of conducting practical research on classroom management in collaboration with classroom teachers, based on the positional nature of graduate students,was identified.}, pages = {145--160}, title = {特別活動実践をめぐる教職大学院生のオートエスノグラフィ―}, volume = {45}, year = {2024} }